Attending the Bridal Spectacular bridal show is about more than planning your Las Vegas wedding. It’s about the experience. As brides, we can be productive and have a party at the same time.
Today I want to share with all my fellow Las Vegas brides what I loved the most about my first Bridal Spectacular experience. Here are my top ten memories from my wedding planning experience in January:

1). I am still the happy recipient of a free year’s subscription to BRIDES magazine, which all of us brides received when we registered at the welcome center. Oh, not to mention, I got a free tote bag to toss all my stuff into!
2). Five minutes into the bridal show, I had the opportunity to sample champagne. Bottoms up, ladies! Yes, it was in a Dixie cup. 😉 We can’t have tipsy brides, after all. The sumptuous cake portions, on the other hand, were life-size.
3). I spun a sweet prize wheel in classic “The Price is Right” style. I won a wine bottle opener! My groom spun the wheel next, and he won a purse. LOL! The prizes were incredibly good-quality though. One year and a housing move later, I still own both.
4). While visiting bridal show vendors, I found the best disc jockey for my wedding. When my groom and I spotted his John Lennon glasses, we knew he was the right fit. At our wedding six months later, that guy put on the best party I’ve ever seen at a wedding reception! (No, of course, I’m not biased toward my own wedding.)

5). My bridesmaids and maid-of-honor picked up free rings, each with a huge plastic diamond rock. Then my maid-of-honor broke into Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies,” and my girls performed the pop star’s dance moves on the fly in the middle of an aisle. It was hilarious!
6). When I was viewing the area now known as “Inspiration Avenue,” I found a gorgeous bohemian gown on display. Although there wasn’t any red tape blocking me, I still felt like a secret agent when I sneaked behind the mannequin to check the brand on the dress tag.
7). We packed six people into a popular photo booth. Once we added crazy hats, fat sunglasses, and feathered boas, the six of us were shriek-laughing at the camera! I can only imagine what the vendors thought—but the photo strip bookmark is great!

8). While looking at the floral displays, I found the solution to beautiful floral arrangements without having to spend a fortune. Simply fill a vase to its brim with water, then submerge a fully blossomed flower. Place one flower vase on each reception table for sleek, inexpensive style. Thank you, bridal show displays!
9). I enjoyed watching my mother’s jaw drop when she stumbled upon the lady who made her wedding invitations twenty-seven years earlier. What can I say? That invitation company has some serious spunk. After speaking with the invitation consultant at the show, I made an appointment with her later and she created my wedding invitations too!
10). During the fashion show, I spotted the perfect wedding gown. I would have never known where to look had I not watched the fashion show that day. Then after the bridal show, I drove straight to the wedding gown store to finish off my most productive, most fun day of wedding planning!
Want your own hilarious memories while wedding planning? Visit the next Bridal Spectacular’s bridal show! View Bridal Spectacular’s web site to buy tickets for you and your friends or to find for more details about Las Vegas’ largest bridal show.
(Author: Allyson Siwajian © 2010)
(Photo Credit: Summer Roybal © 2010)