Naakit Floral Design

Playful Las Vegas Couple with Military Honors – Traci & Andrew Fenton


When planning your wedding, be sure to infuse your personality as Traci and Andrew did on their wedding day.  It is obvious that fun is a BIG part of this Las Vegas couple’s life style as well as Andrew honoring his military service by wearing his Marine uniform.  Bridal Spectacular is privileged to share Traci […] Read more…

Best of Show Booths for Naakiti Floral, The Paiute and Red Rock Country Club


Naakiti Floral Design The Paiute Resort Red Rock Country Club Hello, I’m back from my little vacation break and could not wait to continue my series on Best of Show booth’s from the January Bridal Spectacular. All of these participants had incredible booths. Naakiti Floral Design not only created a fabulous floral display in her […] Read more…