bridal fashions

Bridal Spectacular features summer wedding fashions through Something New video


While many of this season’s styles feature a vintage vibe, we know summer fashions are all about blending the best of contemporary and classic. See traditional and modern looks for brides and grooms in this lively fashion show video.  Read more…

Find designer gowns for warehouse prices at eco-friendly Encore Bridal Boutique


What if you could buy a designer wedding dress without spending thousands of dollars? You can! Learn about Encore Bridal Boutique, their quality selection of designer gowns, and their attentive one-on-one customer service. Read more…

Discover your Las Vegas wedding vendors through the Ravella Fashion Shoot


Ravella Fashion Shoot features skilled photographers, breathtaking bridal gowns, and talented beauty professionals


Did you see our Ravella Fashion Shoot photographs in the latest issue of Las Vegas’ Spectacular Bride magazine? Today we reveal these images with new details about the wedding dresses, make-up, and more! Read more…