wedding tips

Musical Chairs, Much Cake, and Money Dancing: Las Vegas Bride’s Modern Alternatives to a Receiving Line


Las Vegas Brides, Here’s your Guide to Wedding Receiving Lines


Want a way to greet every wedding guest at your Las Vegas wedding? Las Vegas brides, read this bridal guide about traditional receiving lines to learn what they are, how they’re done, and why they’re important. Read more…

Las Vegas Brides, Need Ideas on How to Relax the Night Before your Wedding?


Who Walks Me Down the Aisle? Las Vegas Weddings for Nontraditional Brides


As times continue to change, Las Vegas brides are asking: Who walks me down the aisle? We all know the traditional answer. But what about brides who don’t have a “traditional” family? Who should she choose? See how nontraditional brides are choosing who walks with them. Read more…