Hello, Las Vegas brides! Well, it’s the day after St. Patrick’s Day, and frankly I’m feeling pretty jolly. Not enough to do an Irish jig, mind you. But enough to let other people do the dancing for me.
Today I’d like to showcase a first dance wedding trend that is fast becoming a wedding tradition. Across the nation, more and more couples have decided to “surprise” their guests during the first dance to kick-start the reception party. As usual, the couple will start their dance by swaying to a slow song. Then the sound of a scratching record resounds through the reception room, capturing guests’ attention. But before anyone has time to accuse the disc jockey of ruining such a special moment, the music changes to an upbeat song and the newlyweds release their choreographed dance moves to raucous applause.
Las Vegas brides, you truly have to see it to believe it. So take a break from strenuous wedding planning for a moment. Watch these videos, learn some tips for your own first dance, and let the laughs begin.
Get a Lil’ Bit Crazy: Rina and Nick’s Wedding — “Crazy” First Dance Mix
Tips from Rina and Nick’s wedding:
1. Let your photographer and videographer know the secret in advance. This way, they’ll be prepared with which side of the stage to be facing.
2. Consider what you’ll do to keep that dress up. Some wedding seamstresses can add straps that snap off for the ceremony and on for the dance party.
3. Don’t wait too long on each song. Keep changing to keep guests’ interest, but feel free to maintain a theme throughout your mix.
4. Synchronize your steps with your groom for a funny but polished look. Remember to include a solo or two to let each other shine!
5. Get your guests off their feet for the finale. While entertainment is a huge part of the first dance surprise, so is guest involvement. Look how excited the crowd is by the end of this performance!
Stay Sweet but Silly: Katie and Brian’s Wedding — Hilarious “Evolution of Dance” Wedding Style
Tips from Katie and Brian’s wedding:
1. Spend some time together in a sweet, slow dance. After all, it’s your first dance; you deserve this special moment. Then strike when no one expects it.
2. The more ridiculous, the better! For anyone who’s seen Judson Laipply’s original “Evolution of Dance” video, you know this couple edited his mix down to just the funny songs. And it fits their personalities!
3. Fight for the spotlight as you and your groom battle each other. Just be sure to keep it light-hearted.
4. Be confident. These guys aren’t the next Justin Timberlake and Beyonce Knowles, but that’s what makes it so cute!
5. Scratch back to a slow, serene song for your closing. You’ll leave your guests laughing and cheering uproariously. Not to mention, you’ll be able to enjoy the famous first dance finishing touch—the romantic dip with a kiss!
Go Wild: John and Michelle’s Wedding — Funny “Baby Got Back” First Dance
Tips from John and Michelle’s wedding:
1. Get going straight out of the gate. We’re used to wedding surprises by this point, so thirty seconds in, let’s switch the song.
2. Use the scratch sound effect to transfer songs and shock guests. If your guests aren’t likely to know of this trend, act shocked too.
3. It’s okay to be exaggerated and silly, especially if the music matches. Your guests will go wild!
4. Two songs are good—one sentimental and one funny. Just because it’s a wedding surprise doesn’t mean it has to be long.

5. Let the groom cue the DJ to announce the end of the first dance. But keep grooving! As the crowd cheers and music continues to play, people can join you on the dance floor to celebrate. What a start to a wedding reception!
Implement a Surprise First Dance for Your Wedding
If you’re a confident couple with guests who will appreciate the humor, then choreograph a funny first dance for your Las Vegas wedding. You’ll entertain your guests, discover another avenue of teamwork with your groom, and thrive in the moment. So get a little bit crazy, be sweet but silly, and go wild for your first dance!
Oh, and if you do surprise your wedding guests, please tip me off as to where to find your video footage. Whether or not you incorporate that Irish jig, I’d love to see it!
Author: Allyson Siwajian
Videos: As seen on YouTube.com
Photo: Quiet Art Photography (copyright 2011)