You’re a daring Las Vegas bride, willing to embrace technology and try something new. That’s why you’ve chosen to use online RSVPs. Maybe you’ve decided to use a few traditional response cards, so Great-Grandma doesn’t have to stress the computer staff at her local library to let you know she’s attending your Las Vegas wedding. But after setting aside those 25 mail-in RSVP cards reserved for certain guests, you’re going full-force for online RSVPs for your internet-savvy friends and family. If you’ve chosen this method, you ought to know your options.
For your printed invitations, include a phrase like this one: “Alternately, please feel free to RSVP online through e-mailing us at [email protected].” This lets your guests who received mail response cards make the decision to go to the post office or a nearby computer to RSVP. For all other guests, who did not receive a mail response card, this message will let them know of your decision to use an online alternative. Soon, you’ll be receiving e-mail messages about your guests’ accepts and regrets to your upcoming wedding.
Now, just as you would with physical mail, make sure you separate the RSVPs from other messages in your inbox. Many e-mail accounts allow you to create file folders, so you can organize and always be able to view the past RSVP messages. Not sure how to create these folders? No problem. Simply keep one master copy of the guest list on your computer’s digital desktop or on paper in a permanent, accessible place near your computer. This way, you can update the list as soon as you receive an RSVP, keeping track of who has responded and who needs to be sent reminder e-mails.
If you choose to use an e-mail address, I recommend creating a new account, specific to your wedding. With this new e-mail, your current inbox won’t be spammed by the influx of wedding-related messages. You can also use this new e-mail address when you complete your gift registry, sign-up for helpful wedding Web sites like, and enter raffles for jaw-dropping prizes at Bridal Spectacular vendor booths
In addition, the e-mail RSVP option also allows your guests the opportunity to send you their questions directly. They can add another member to their party, request a vegetarian dish, clarify directions to your Las Vegas wedding venue, or even write to give you the option between their wedding gift purchase of kitchen knives or scented bedroom candles. However, if you choose to use an e-mail RSVP, check your spam folder frequently. Trust me, I would have never expected my proper, British, Aunt Betty to have “skinny lobster” in her e-mail address. Good thing I checked my spam folder, or I may have missed her message.
If you want direct involvement in the RSVP process, then the e-mail RSVP confirmation is the best choice for you. You’ll be able to address guests’ responses directly, and you control what’s happening with your guest list to avoid technical errors. Best of all, you can share the excitement of your guests as they send you messages with their joyous acceptance of your invitation, just as you would have with written mail response cards.
With your discovery of online RSVPs by e-mail, don’t forget the importance of sending printed invitations. The invitation you send can tell your guests everything about your wedding. The invitation’s style lets guests know whether your wedding is a casual afternoon or an exquisite evening. It informs your guests how to dress, how to act, and how much you care about ensuring their presence will be well-worth their time. Therefore, even with your cutting-edge choice to use online RSVPs, purchase printed invitations.

Still not sure where to find invitations to match your personality? In only a few weeks, Bridal Spectacular will host invitation companies from across southern Nevada all in one location. When you buy your Bridal Spectacular tickets you’ll be able to compare your invitation options within minutes as you speak with unique vendors. Then, after quality time perusing their prints and personal one-on-one conversations with representatives, you’ll know exactly which company to trust with your invitations and your new style of RSVPs.
Check back tomorrow for more information about Online RSVPs through option two: wedding Web sites!
Author: Allyson Siwajian © 2010
Photograph provided by Debra Hansen.