Las Vegas Brides Here are 7 Unique Ideas from a Recent Wedding


One of the pleasures of life is to see the young people who have worked for Bridal Spectacular over the years grow up and get married. My young friend Kyle who married Haley in Portland, grew up in Las Vegas and worked at registration and video production for almost 10 years.  Kyle met Haley in […] Read more…

Creative Linens Sets The Tone of Your Wedding Reception


EVENTS IN COLOR: DRAWING OUTSIDE THE LINES TO CREATE IMPRESSIONABLE SPECIAL EVENT How important does the role of color play when planning a wedding or special event? What dynamic do the colors used in table linens and décor create for the success of an event? As an event planner, not only is it necessary to […] Read more…

Award Winning Booths at Autumn Bridal Spectacular


Las Vegas brides recently attended The Bridal Spectacular and were treated to the largest group of Las Vegas wedding professionals to be found at any bridal show. The local professionals went all out to show off to the brides a sampling of what they could have at their wedding. Many of the booths were so […] Read more…

After the Bridal Show: How I took the next steps in my Las Vegas wedding planning
