Tomorrow, brides and grooms, your Las Vegas wedding planning will transform wedding dreams into achievable plans at the Bridal Spectacular bridal show. During this two-day event, you’ll receive information packets, business cards, and/or contracts from hundreds of vendors. Brides, at the show, you can keep these papers in your keepsake tote bag, which you’ll receive for free at a registration booth.

But what about after the show? How can you organize this influx of wedding planning information? What methods will you use to determine which vendors you want to hire for your Las Vegas wedding? Here are a few tips to help you sort through the resources you’ll receive at Bridal Spectacular this weekend.
1. Establish a rating system.
You’ll need to know what wowed you. Create a rating system to let yourself know whether you need to hire a vendor or could do without. At the show, take notes, either on a notepad or the vendor-distributed packets. You can use phrases: like it, love it, need it, or leave it. If you’re more visual, try rating by drawing symbols, like stars, hearts, smiley faces, or an X. Perhaps, if you’re exceptionally impressed with a vendor, take a photograph on your camera or cell phone of their name and booth (after asking the vendor’s permission). Be creative. Just be careful not to be so clever that you forget your system in the flurry of the bridal show.
2. Let your friends and family help.
If you invited your groom, your bridal party, or your family along with you, let them be part of the process. Your groom can snap the photos. Your mother can take notes. Ask your Bridal Spectacular guests, rather than assign roles, how they would like to help. With their contributions, you’re free to speak with vendors and focus on this season’s décor.

3. Parse through the information at home to determine your resources.
After the show, don’t wait long before you look through what you acquired at Bridal Spectacular. While looking through so much material can be daunting after a full day at the bridal show, it’s best to sort through the information while it’s still fresh in your mind. Consider filing the information into manageable folders using your rating system. If you attended Friday night’s exhibit, you can return on Saturday to revisit vendors who most impressed you and best fit your style. Even after Saturday’s show, keep the information you received. You can use it for future reference and to make a contact list of your chosen wedding vendors.
This weekend, you’ll find vendors and styles that will help you personalize your Las Vegas wedding. And when you walk into Bridal Spectacular’s bridal show prepared, you’ll enjoy your time even more.
(Author: Allyson Siwajian)