As photographers whose creative juices flow forth to produce original imagery in warm, rich tones, Chris and Alicia Purdum of Orange Soda Photo are bringing a new edge to modern Las Vegas wedding photography. With a portfolio that showcases their breadth of life experiences and awards to prove their professional skills, this duo embraces new challenges for wedding photographs that reflect each bride and groom all while maintaining Orange Soda’s signature style.
“Everybody we meet inspires us,” Alicia Purdum said at the latest Bridal Spectacular bridal show. “Everything you encounter just gives you more creative juice and changes your life.”

Known for their “big ol’ crush on life,” Chris and Alicia of Orange Soda Photo absorb the essence of every person they encounter. Then through this approach, they craft wedding photographs and engagement shoots that echo each bride and groom.
“I have a whole Rolodex of ideas in my head,” Chris Purdum said, “and I’ll pull certain ones out for certain couples.”
“We work a lot with our clients too,” Alicia said. “[We’ll ask] like ‘How did you meet?’ ‘What do you like to do?’ and then tailor our shoots and our style around that as well.”
With Chris and Alicia’s constant influx of creativity, brides and grooms benefit from photographers who want couples to feel connected to their imagery. They’ll talk through what couples want. They’ll exchange ideas. Then couples can relax, be themselves, and allow Orange Soda to handle the pop and fizz.
“We go from working with TV producer to banker,” Chris said of Orange Soda’s diverse clientele.
But while brides and grooms from all walks of life are drawn to Orange Soda Photo’s original, colorful imagery, these photographers’ bold, punchy style is not for the faint of heart.

“We’re not for everyone,” Alicia said. “We love to push the limit. We love to be very creative.”
In Orange Soda’s pursuit of the avant-garde, they also draw inspiration from daring cinema, classic portraiture, modern art, and imagery-laden literary works by renowned authors like Kafka and Dostoyevsky.
“Anything with shape, form, sound, sight,” Chris said of his inspiration. “Everything that moves or has moved.”
For both Chris and Alicia, their thirst for the artistic began at an early age and continued to be nurtured through their individual and shared experiences.
“My uncles and aunts were in Hollywood as re-recording engineers,” Chris said of his initial interest in photography. “When I was young, I always got to see films before other people. … So I always heard about these visual things even though my uncle worked in sound. So cinema is huge for me.”

But while Orange Soda Photo is rooted in a rich, refined history, its photographic future is driven by a deep desire to thrive amidst all life has to offer.
“We just love to have fun,” Alicia said, “and we make sure our clients have fun.”
As Orange Soda Photo provides high-quality photography paired with an exuberating experience, brides and grooms also benefit from Chris and Alicia’s personal wedding experience when they tied the knot on April 7, 2011.
“Getting married, being on the other side of it, seeing how it feels, going through the process of vendor-shopping, working with budgets,” Chris said, “I see how much effort they put into it. We want to make sure we get photos for them, so the bride and the groom see all this cool stuff that’s in their wedding.”

From wedding party portraits to the smallest details, Orange Soda captures the entirety of an event to ensure a bride and groom can remember every element.
“Are the bride and groom going to hang a photo of a light on their wall? No,” Chris said. “But do they want those details of their wedding in their album? Yes.”
Through Orange Soda Photo’s holistic approach to wedding photography, brides and grooms receive the utmost care in the grand scope and the finest details. And this is possible through the love Chris and Alicia share with each other, the inspiration they draw from life, and their dedication to deliver for every client.
“We never lose sight of the fact that this is somebody’s wedding day, just like ours was,” Chris said. “Getting married really brought that out for us.”

For wedding photographers who create original imagery, explore the fun and the unexpected, and approach each day with their eyes wide open, choose Chris and Alicia Purdum of Orange Soda Photo.
To discover more details about Orange Soda Photo for Las Vegas weddings, contact Chris and Alicia Purdum at 702-510-5532 or visit their website. Brides can also meet them at the upcoming Bridal Spectacular bridal show at Cashman Center.
For more information about the bridal show or additional Las Vegas wedding photographers, please visit the official website of Bridal Spectacular.
Author: Allyson Siwajian © 2012
Photographs: Orange Soda Photo © 2011, 2010