Las Vegas brides, Father’s Day is right around the corner! As you find ways to let Dad know he’s loved this Sunday, also begin to think of ways you can honor the Father of the Bride at your wedding. While this inclusion should be personal, as something special the two of you share, here are a few ideas for any bride who’s looking to let Dad know he’s loved.

1. Talk throughout the Aisle Walk. Brides, we’re all excited to make it down the aisle to be with our grooms at our Las Vegas wedding ceremonies. But savor this moment with Dad. Rather than rush down the aisle, take your time together and exchange a few final words as Daddy’s little girl.
2. Choose a Personal Song for the Father/Daughter Dance. Rather than select an option from a recommended list, pick a song that holds meaning to you and Dad. Maybe it’s a song you both belted on road trips, a song he used to hum while he worked, or even one of those “sappy” songs that makes your eyes water. Then when it plays for you two on the dance floor, you’ll both remember the precious times this song represents.
3. Invite Him to Present the First Toast. In advance, ask Dad if he’d like to give a toast at your Las Vegas wedding reception. To make it extra-special, he can be the first toast of the evening. Then at the wedding, honor him in return with a special toast given by you and groom to each of your parents.

4. Leave a Letter at His Place Setting. In advance, write a letter to Dad in which you tell him how much you’ll always love him. This can be lengthy or short and sweet. Just let it come from the heart. Then ask a trustworthy bridesmaid or wedding coordinator to place this keepsake at Dad’s spot at his reception table.
5. Spend a Day with Dad before the Wedding. In the hustle and bustle of wedding planning, let Dad know how much he means to you by setting aside time to spend together. This can be as simple as a walk around your parents’ neighborhood, or it can become more complex with your creativity. Go to a game together. Visit a hardware store, athletic store, music store, or techie store, and buy him a new toy. Grab dessert together at his favorite place. Just let it reflect you two. Then when his baby girl is all grown up at the wedding, he’ll have this special moment to remember.
As you create ways to honor Dad at your wedding, let your personality and his shine through! Best wishes, Las Vegas brides, and remember to wish all the father figures in your life a Happy Father’s Day this Sunday!
Author: Allyson Siwajian © 2012
Photographs: Lorenz Crespo of Lorenzfoto © 2011, Jamison Frady of Quiet Art Photography © 2010