
Sentimental & Personal Touches Give Inspiration to Las Vegas Wedding


Laura and George Lopez began their life journey together over an offer of a Superbowl hotdog, which was declined and a lunch date that was accepted.  It was on this lunch date that George was fascinated by Laura and literally hung on her every word. George’s heart was captured and he never let go. After […] Read more…

6 Unique Ideas for a Fabulous Las Vegas Bridal Shower


You just got engaged and now the exciting world of wedding planning begins! Immediately, you think of the wedding date, location and, of course, the wedding gown — but what about your bridal shower? This wonderful part of the wedding planning process can sometimes be overlooked, so we at Bridal Spectacular have are six unique […] Read more…

Tips For Bridesmaid Duties & Responsibilities


A few weeks ago, my cousin asked me to be one of her bridesmaids and I was absolutely thrilled! However, I realized that I wasn’t completely sure what being a bridesmaid actually entailed. And, if was uncertain about my bridesmaid duties, then I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to share my discoveries with […] Read more…

Bridal Spectacular Spotlight: ShutterBooth Photo Booth


Whether you get it as your wedding favor or simply have it for fun, renting a photo booth at your wedding is always a huge hit! Not to mention, it’s a unique way to capture some of your wedding’s silliest moments and it’s a sure way to add a little extra excitement for your guests! […] Read more…