wedding planning

Big Bustles and Corset Strings: Helpful Tips for the Final Bridal Gown Fitting


Las Vegas wedding venue, Siena Golf Club, offers Tuscany setting, high-quality selection, and excellent service


As a Las Vegas wedding venue, Siena Golf Club provides a refreshing oasis of elegance and tranquility. With a Tuscany-inspired setting, a wide variety of opportunities for wedding customization, and impeccable customer service, Siena Golf Club offers only the best for Las Vegas brides and grooms. Read more…

Destination bride shares how Bridal Spectacular bridal show inspired her wedding décor


Who Walks Me Down the Aisle? Las Vegas Weddings for Nontraditional Brides


As times continue to change, Las Vegas brides are asking: Who walks me down the aisle? We all know the traditional answer. But what about brides who don’t have a “traditional” family? Who should she choose? See how nontraditional brides are choosing who walks with them. Read more…